Korean to Malay translator

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Explore Korean to Malay Pair Information

Korean Language

  • Linguistic Classification Korean is considered a language isolate, meaning it has no proven relationship to other existing languages. ​

  • Number of Speakers Approximately 75 million people speak Korean worldwide, with 48 million in South Korea and 24 million in North Korea. ​

  • Official Status Korean is the official language of both South Korea and North Korea. ​

  • Writing System The Korean alphabet, Hangul, was invented in 1443 by King Sejong the Great to promote literacy among commoners. ​

Malay Language

Bahasa Melayu
  • Linguistic Classification Malay is an Austronesian language, forming part of the Malayo-Polynesian branch. ​

  • Number of Speakers Approximately 33 million people speak Malay natively, with an estimated 220 million using it as a second language. ​

  • Official Status Malay is the official language of Malaysia (where it is referred to as Bahasa Malaysia), Brunei, and Singapore. ​

  • Writing Systems Malay is written using two scripts:​

Frequently Used Korean to Malay Phrases

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Greetings and Politeness

안녕하세요 (Annyeonghaseyo)


좋은 아침입니다 (Joeun achimimnida)

Selamat pagi

좋은 저녁입니다 (Joeun jeonyeogimnida)

Selamat petang

안녕히 가세요/계세요 (Annyeonghi gaseyo/gyeseyo)

Selamat tinggal

감사합니다 (Gamsahamnida)

Terima kasih

천만에요 (Cheonmaneyo)


부탁합니다 (Butak드립니다)

Sila / Tolong

실례합니다/죄송합니다 (Sillyehamnida/Joesonghamnida)

Maafkan saya

만나서 반갑습니다 (Mannaseo bangapseumnida)

Gembira bertemu anda

어떻게 지내세요? (Eotteoke jinaeseyo?)

Apa khabar?


제 이름은…입니다 (Je ireumeun…imnida)

Nama saya…

이름이 뭐예요? (Ireumi mwoyeyo?)

Siapa nama anda?

어디에서 오셨어요? (Eodieseo osyeosseoyo?)

Dari mana anda?

…에서 왔어요 (…eseo wasseoyo)

Saya dari…

나이가 어떻게 되세요? (Naiga eotteoke doeseyo?)

Berapa umur anda?

저는 [숫자]살입니다 (Jeoneun [sutja]salimnida)

Umur saya [nombor] tahun

제 친구입니다 (Je chinguimnida)

Ini kawan saya

Travel and Directions

화장실이 어디에 있습니까? (Hwajangsiri eodie itseumnikka?)

Di mana tandas?

…에 어떻게 가요? (…e eotteoke gayo?)

Bagaimana saya boleh pergi ke…?

왼쪽으로 도세요 (Oenjjogeuro doseyo)

Belok kiri

오른쪽으로 도세요 (Oreunjjogeuro doseyo)

Belok kanan

직진하세요 (Jikjinhaseyo)

Jalan terus

얼마나 멀어요? (Eolmana meoreoyo?)

Berapa jauh?

길을 잃었어요 (Gireul ileosseoyo)

Saya sesat

도와주시겠어요? (Dowajusigesseoyo?)

Boleh anda bantu saya?

역이 어디에 있어요? (Yeogi eodie isseoyo?)

Di mana stesen?

택시가 필요해요 (Taeksiga pilyohaeyo)

Saya perlukan teksi

Shopping and Money

이거 얼마예요? (Igeo eolmayeyo?)

Berapa harga ini?

너무 비싸요 (Neomu bissayo)

Terlalu mahal

좀 싸게 해 주시겠어요? (Jom ssage hae jusigesseoyo?)

Boleh murah lagi?

이거 주세요 (Igeo juseyo)

Saya mahu ini

신용카드 받으세요? (Sinyongkadeu badeuseyo?)

Adakah anda menerima kad kredit?

계산대가 어디에 있어요? (Gyesandaega eodie isseoyo?)

Di mana kaunter pembayaran?

영수증이 필요해요 (Yeongsijeungi pilyohaeyo)

Saya perlukan resit

잔돈 있어요? (Jandon isseoyo?)

Adakah anda mempunyai wang baki?

Dining and Food

배고파요 (Baegopayo)

Saya lapar

좋은 식당이 어디에 있어요? (Joeun sikdangi eodie isseoyo?)

Di mana restoran yang sedap?

메뉴 주세요 (Menu juseyo)

Menu, tolong

주문할게요 (Jumunhalgeyo)

Saya ingin membuat pesanan

매운 음식은 안 돼요 (Maeun eumsigeun an dwaeyo)

Tolong jangan pedas

물 좀 주시겠어요? (Mul jom jusigesseoyo?)

Boleh saya dapat air?

계산서 주세요 (Gyesanseo juseyo)

Bil, tolong

맛있어요! (Masisseoyo!)


배불러요 (Baebulleoyo)

Saya kenyang

채식 음식 있어요? (Chaesik eumsik isseoyo?)

Adakah anda mempunyai makanan vegetarian?


도와주세요! (Dowajuseyo!)


의사가 필요해요 (Uisaga pilyohaeyo)

Saya perlukan doktor

경찰에 신고해 주세요 (Gyeongchare singoha 주세요)

Panggil polis

아파요 (Apayo)

Saya sakit

병원이 어디에 있어요? (Byeongwoni eodie isseoyo?)

Di mana hospital?

여기가 아파요 (Yeogiga apayo)

Sakit di sini

여권을 잃어버렸어요 (Yeogwoneul ileobeoryeosseoyo)

Saya kehilangan pasport saya

불이야! (Buriya!)


Common Questions

지금 몇 시예요? (Jigeum myeot si예요?)

Pukul berapa sekarang?

영어를 하세요? (Yeongeoreul haseyo?)

Adakah anda boleh bertutur dalam bahasa Inggeris?

…을/를 어떻게 말해요? (…eul/reul eotteoke marhaeyo?)

Bagaimana anda menyebut…?

이것은 무슨 뜻이에요? (Igeoseun museun tteusieyo?)

Apa maksud ini?

다시 말씀해 주시겠어요? (Dasi 말씀해 jusigesseoyo?)

Boleh anda ulangi?

…을/를 어디에서 찾을 수 있어요? (…eul/reul eodieseo chajeul su isseoyo?)

Di mana saya boleh dapatkan…?

여기는 안전한가요? (Yeogineun anjeonhangayo?)

Adakah selamat di sini?

Daily Life

피곤해요 (Pigonhaeyo)

Saya penat

안녕히 주무세요 (Annyeonghi jumuseyo)

Selamat malam

내일 봐요 (Naeil bwayo)

Jumpa esok

이해가 안 돼요 (Ihaega an dwaeyo)

Saya tidak faham

잠시만 기다려 주세요 (Jamsiman gidaryeo juseyo)

Tunggu sebentar

서두르세요! (Seodureuseyo!)


좋아요 (Joayo)

Saya suka

싫어요 (Sireoyo)

Saya tidak suka

아름다워요 (Areumdawoyo)

Ia cantik

조심하세요 (Josimhaseyo)

Jaga diri

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