Welsh to Malay translator

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Explore Welsh to Malay Pair Information

Welsh Language

  • Linguistic Classification Welsh (Cymraeg) is a member of the Brythonic branch of the Celtic languages, sharing roots with Breton and Cornish.​

  • Number of Speakers According to the 2021 census, approximately 538,300 people in Wales aged three or older (17.8% of the population) can speak Welsh. ​

  • Official Status Welsh holds official status in Wales, as legislated by the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011, ensuring it is treated no less favorably than English in public services and the judiciary. ​

  • Geographical Distribution Welsh is primarily spoken in northern and western regions of Wales, including areas such as Gwynedd, Conwy County Borough, Denbighshire, Anglesey, Carmarthenshire, north Pembrokeshire, Ceredigion, parts of Glamorgan, and north-west and extreme south-west Powys. ​

Malay Language

Bahasa Melayu
  • Linguistic Classification Malay is an Austronesian language, forming part of the Malayo-Polynesian branch. ​

  • Number of Speakers Approximately 33 million people speak Malay natively, with an estimated 220 million using it as a second language. ​

  • Official Status Malay is the official language of Malaysia (where it is referred to as Bahasa Malaysia), Brunei, and Singapore. ​

  • Writing Systems Malay is written using two scripts:​

Frequently Used Welsh to Malay Phrases

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Greetings and Politeness



Bore da

Selamat pagi

Noswaith dda

Selamat petang

Hwyl fawr

Selamat tinggal


Terima kasih



Os gwelwch yn dda

Sila / Tolong

Esgusodwch fi / Sori

Maafkan saya

Braf cwrdd â chi

Gembira bertemu anda

Sut wyt ti?

Apa khabar?


Fy enw i yw…

Nama saya…

Beth yw dy enw?

Siapa nama anda?

O ble wyt ti’n dod?

Dari mana anda?

Dw i’n dod o…

Saya dari…

Faint wyt ti?

Berapa umur anda?

Dw i’n [rhif] mlwydd oed

Umur saya [nombor] tahun

Dyma fy ffrind

Ini kawan saya

Travel and Directions

Ble mae’r ystafell ymolchi?

Di mana tandas?

Sut mae cyrraedd…?

Bagaimana saya boleh pergi ke…?

Trowch i’r chwith

Belok kiri

Trowch i’r dde

Belok kanan

Ewch yn syth

Jalan terus

Pa mor bell yw e?

Berapa jauh?

Dw i ar goll

Saya sesat

Allwch chi fy helpu?

Boleh anda bantu saya?

Ble mae’r orsaf?

Di mana stesen?

Dw i angen tacsi

Saya perlukan teksi

Shopping and Money

Faint mae hwn?

Berapa harga ini?

Rhy ddrud

Terlalu mahal

Allwch chi ei wneud yn rhatach?

Boleh murah lagi?

Dw i eisiau hwn

Saya mahu ini

Ydych chi’n derbyn cardiau credyd?

Adakah anda menerima kad kredit?

Ble mae’r gofrestr arian?

Di mana kaunter pembayaran?

Dw i angen derbynneb

Saya perlukan resit

Oes gennych chi newid?

Adakah anda mempunyai wang baki?

Dining and Food

Dw i’n newynog

Saya lapar

Ble mae bwyty da?

Di mana restoran yang sedap?

Dewislen, os gwelwch yn dda

Menu, tolong

Hoffwn i archebu

Saya ingin membuat pesanan

Dim bwyd sbeislyd, os gwelwch yn dda

Tolong jangan pedas

Gaf i ddŵr?

Boleh saya dapat air?

Y bil, os gwelwch yn dda

Bil, tolong



Dw i’n llawn

Saya kenyang

Oes gennych chi fwyd llysieuol?

Adakah anda mempunyai makanan vegetarian?




Dw i angen doctor

Saya perlukan doktor

Ffoniwch yr heddlu

Panggil polis

Dw i’n sâl

Saya sakit

Ble mae’r ysbyty?

Di mana hospital?

Mae’n brifo yma

Sakit di sini

Dw i wedi colli fy mhasbort

Saya kehilangan pasport saya



Common Questions

Faint o’r gloch yw hi?

Pukul berapa sekarang?

Ydych chi’n siarad Saesneg?

Adakah anda boleh bertutur dalam bahasa Inggeris?

Sut ydych chi’n dweud…?

Bagaimana anda menyebut…?

Beth mae hyn yn ei olygu?

Apa maksud ini?

Allwch chi ailadrodd?

Boleh anda ulangi?

Ble alla i ddod o hyd i…?

Di mana saya boleh dapatkan…?

Ydy e’n saff yma?

Adakah selamat di sini?

Daily Life

Dw i wedi blino

Saya penat

Nos da

Selamat malam

Welwn ni chi yfory

Jumpa esok

Dw i ddim yn deall

Saya tidak faham

Arhoswch funud

Tunggu sebentar



Dw i’n hoffi e

Saya suka

Dw i ddim yn hoffi e

Saya tidak suka

Mae’n brydferth

Ia cantik

Cymerwch ofal

Jaga diri

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